STEM Scholars Program

STEM Scholars

Majoring in STEM? Apply for a Scholarship Today!

If you are a planning to major in science, mathematics, or engineering, our new STEM Scholars program may be an opportunity for you to pursue your educational goals. 

STEM Scholars Program

Beginning in Fall 2024, the National Science Foundation is funding the prestigious STEM Scholars Program at GateWay Community College. If you are chosen for this program, you will receive not only a scholarship, but awesome additional benefits. Our goal is to help you complete your degree! This program is designed to connect you to all available resources.

For students accepted into the STEM Scholar program, the scholarships may provide up to $7,000 per academic year for up to four semesters.

S-STEM Graduates

Jose Robles

Jose Robles

GateWay Degree – AS Computer Science (graduated Spring 2022)

Currently – Student at ASU (Cybersecurity) and TRAIN – STEM Scholarship Recipient

Tumaini Donedison

Tumaini Donedison

GateWay Degree – AS Computer Science (graduated Spring 2022)

Currently – Student at ASU (Computer Science) 

Sabrina Finklea-Strickland

Sabrina Finklea-Strickland

GateWay Degree – AS Biological Science (graduated Spring 2022)

Currently – Student at ASU (Biochemistry) 

Debbie Roldan

Debbie Roldan

GateWay Degree – AS Engineering (graduated Spring 2022)

Currently – taking classes at MCCCD; transferring to ASU Spring 2024 (Aerospace Engineering) 

Eligibility Requirements

Based upon NSF guidelines, this scholarship is only open to students intending to pursue an Associate in Science (AS) or Associate in Arts (AA) degree in STEM. These include biochemistry, biological sciences, chemistry, physics, computer science, geography, geology, mathematics, and engineering. If you are unsure if your degree is appropriate for this program, please do not hesitate to contact us and ask ( In particular, NSF does not allow the program to support students pursuing a healthcare related certificate or degree (e.g. nursing, diagnostic sonography, nuclear medicine, pharmacy technician etc).

  • Applicants must be seeking an associate in art or an associate in science degree in STEM for use to enter the workforce or transfer to a four-year institution to further their education.
  • Applicants may be part-time (6 credit hours) or full-time student (12 credit hours); those who are enrolled part-time will be required to attend college full time to continue to be eligible for the scholarship.
  • Applicants must have at least a 2.6 or higher GPA and/or test into college-level math coursework, and must maintain at least a 2.6 cumulative GPA during their education at GateWay.
  • Applicants must demonstrate financial need as determined by a current FAFSA on file. If you haven’t completed the FAFSA, visit or GateWay’s Financial Aid office.

Card Set

Benefits of Becoming a Scholarship Recipient

Benefits of Becoming a Scholarship Recipient

Separate from the scholarship, you will receive:

  • One-on-one faculty mentoring
  • Additional supplemental instruction in your STEM courses
  • Free academic tutoring
  • Join a community of STEM scholars like yourself!
Become a Scholarship Recipient

Become a Scholarship Recipient

Now accepting applications for Spring 2025! Click here to complete the STEM Scholars application. Deadline to apply is October 31, 2024.

Required Documents

Required Documents

When applying for the STEM Scholars Program, include: 

  • The FAFSA Student Aid Report print out (Student Aid Report online – five page PDF document)
  • Unofficial transcripts of high school classes
  • Submitting a letter of recommendation is encouraged (a letter can help your overall score but is not required)


This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 2030105. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. By participating in the STEM Scholars Program you are contributing to research focused on student success in the STEM fields.