Need Assistance
Need assistance? Our team is available to help, or stop in the Veterans Center on the Washington Campus – MA1220 | (602) 286–8076
Assisting students
Veterans Services Center assists students with:
- Registration for classes
- Connection to scholarship opportunities
- Access and utilization of VA Education Benefits
- Utilization of Military Tuition Assistance
- Utilization of MyCAA Program for Military Spouse Career Advancement
- Deferment of tuition
- Connect with Career Services
- And many other accommodations
Veterans Services Request for Benefits
Parent School Letter Request
Veteran Accordiao
Maintaining VA Eligibility
- Students on academic probation who fail to raise their cumulative GPA to the required minimum standards will be certified for Veterans Educational Benefits. However please note that the Department of Veteran Affairs may find you ineligible for benefits until your GPA is raised to the required minimum standard.
- The VA will only pay for courses that lead to a standard degree or certificate
- The VA will pay for the following grades: A, B, C, D, F, P, Y (F and Y grades will only be paid up until the last date of attendance submitted by your instructor)
- The VA will not pay for the following grades: W (withdrawal), Z (no credit)
- I (incomplete) grades will not be reported to the VA if completed within 1 year and a payable grade is assigned
- If an "I" grade is not changed within 1 year, it will be reported to VA and they will not pay
Veterans' benefits are not paid for courses in which students have already earned a satisfactory grade unless the college catalog states that a higher grade is necessary.
Levels for Fall and Spring Semesters
Standard spring and fall terms are 16 weeks.
- Full Time = 12 credits
- 3/4 Time = 9 credits
- 1/2 Time = 6 credits
Please use caution when registering for courses that are not 16 weeks. The VA will pay those courses according to the start and end dates listed in the class schedule. Open entry/open exit courses may effect the way the VA pays.
Net Price Calculator
The Net Price Calculator is a tool designed to help you with a broad estimate of what it may cost – in tuition, fees, and other student expenses – to attend GateWay Community Colleges on an annual basis.
Military Transcript Requests
Veterans Club
Learn more about joining the Veterans Club on campus.
University Transfer
Learn more about transferring to a university.
Returning Home – BattleMarks
Veteran Stories Through Body Art
People don’t go to war and come back unchanged. BattleMarks is a story telling initiative highlighting miliary service and diversity as told through tattoos. These experiences are expressed through body art, which serves as a conduit to stories of four brave individuals' experiences. This initiative is a living depository of the diverse stories of veterans and their families in an effort to help raise awareness of the challenges some of our veterans face when returning to civilian life and the role that education plays in preparing them for the future.
Watch and hear the stories of GateWay Veterans who have returned home.
Veterans Cards

The VA Phoenix Office: 1 (800) 827–1000
The VA Regional Office: 1 (888) 442–4551
East Valley Veterans Education Center: (480) 384–9850
Carl T. Hayden VAMC, PHX: (602) 222–6508
Phoenix Patient Representative: (602) 277–5551, Ext. 7394
VFW Healthcare Hotline: 1 (800) 839–1899
Agent Orange Helpline: 1 (800) 749–8387
AZ Coordinator for Agent Orange, Persian Gulf, Ionizing Radiation: Mr. Pete Melendez, Carl T. Hayden VAMC
(602) 277–5551, Ext. 6749

Helpful Links
Helpful Links
The Veterans Administration
National Archives - Veteran Records Requests
AZ Department of Veterans’ Services
East Valley Veterans Education Center
Scholarships for Veterans
U.S. Govt. Job Opportunities
Veterans Service Alliance
VA Online Applications
VA Forms
VA Education Benefits Info
Scholarship Finder -
VA Job Opportunities
VA Southwest Healthcare Network
National Center for PTSD
VA’s Guide to Agent Orange Claims