HUG Clinic

Hug Clinic

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HUG Patient

HUG Clinic

Healthcare United at GateWay (HUG) Clinic is a state licensed pro bono clinic through GateWay Community College that serves to increase the clinical education experience of our healthcare students while benefiting our local community who may not typically have access or resources to healthcare services.  We are one of the first clinics in the United States that offers this unique combination of specialty care services. Because of the nature of the illnesses HUG Clinic treats, many patients return for multiple treatment sessions that would cost an average of $100 per treatment. Serving over 1,100 patient appointments per year, the HUG Clinic saves the community over $100,000 in healthcare costs. 

This HUG Clinic is a lifeline. The clinic treats patients with chronic diseases such as lymphedema, cancer, COPD, multiple sclerosis, asthma and diabetes and provides ultrasound for injuries and pregnant women. Most patients would go without treatment were it not for the availability of HUG’s care. Patients are referred to HUG from clinics that provide basic healthcare services, by local medical charities like the Multiple Sclerosis Society, and even by physicians and hospitals.

Tour the HUG Clinic

Click on the Services Below

HUG - second card set

HUG Clinic

Come prepared in loose fitting clothing that may allow for movement. We will need to be able to assess and inspect the body part being treated. For a leg patient, shorts are most appropriate, shoulder and neck patients should bring a t-shirt. Please arrive 30 minutes prior to your appointment time to allow for check in and completion of appropriate paperwork. A photo ID is required for documentation of citizenship. Your first appointment will be 40–60 minutes. Follow up appointments may be necessary, please bring your calendar to the first appointment.

Note: for ultrasound appointments, we will provide information regarding additional preparation needed for the day of your appointment during our confirmation calls.

HUG Clinic services are student led and supervised by a licensed professional. HUG offers this valuable learning experience prior to the student’s clinical rotations to give them additional hands-on experience and ability to develop professional skills necessary to become the next leaders in healthcare. 

While our services are free and recognize the immense need for them, we are limited in the number of patient visits provided. Patients may be seen up to 24 visits or one school year (Fall and Spring semesters). At that time, patients may be discharged with referrals to outside providers or placed on our patient waiting list for future availability. Healthcare is a valuable resource and we want to ensure everyone in the community may benefit from our services. Note, after 3 no shows, patients may be discharged and put onto our patient waiting list for future availability. 

Our therapy services are provided pro bono for those who are underserved, uninsured or otherwise financially challenged. Donations to HUG Clinic help offset the costs of providing vital services to our community. 

The HUG Clinic is located on GateWay Community College's 18th Street Campus.

555 North 18th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85006, Suite 301 & 302
* Parking available in the West and North lots  |  (602) 286–8511

Get Directions

Administrative Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


18th Street wide location Visitor Map

18th Street Map wide

18th Street location Visitor Map

HUG Clinic Street Map

1000 Patient Challenge

Students gain real world experience in a trusted environment before going on to their clinical rotations. Our unique clinical setting allows students to develop professional skills across multiple healthcare sectors (physical therapy, diagnostic medical imaging, pulmonary rehabilitation, and occupational therapy). To further enhance our students' clinical experiences, we partner with local community associates and higher education institutions, including the Department of Veterans Affairs and Northern Arizona University.

Student Testimonial

The HUG Clinic was created as a lab project between the physical therapy assisting and diagnostic medical imaging departments. The founders saw a need to increase clinical hands-on education and to foster communication between the two healthcare disciplines into the curriculum.  Students gained confidence and skills that were transferable to their first clinical experience. The program’s success has allowed the clinic to expand the healthcare services offered. In addition, with generous support from our sponsors and partnered companies, the HUG Clinic opened a state-of-the-art facility on 18th street and Van Buren in Phoenix. Our mission is to prepare the next leaders in healthcare while addressing the needs of community members who lack access to the vital healthcare services.

The HUG Clinic serves over 1,100 patient appointments each year, saving the community over $100,000 in healthcare costs annually. Donating to the HUG Clinic helps offset the costs of providing these vital services to the community.

1000 Patient Challenge

The HUG One Thousand Patient Challenge represents the annual cost of running the clinic and will raise money to continue this vital program for our community.

Real Patients. Lives Changed.

HUG - third card set

Juan Testimonial

Juan Testimonial

"The HUG Clinic gave me my life back. The people at HUG went beyond professionalism. They were attentive to my needs and helped me achieve my rehabilitation goals. Today I can live without an oxygen tank and walk well enough to return to work."

– Juan, Respiratory Care Patient

Melissa Testimonial

Melissa Testimonial

“We are a family without medical insurance. I was so blessed to stumble upon the HUG Clinic. The HUG Clinic is an amazing resource that allowed us to put our minds at ease. We welcomed our baby in August, weighing in at 9 lbs. Thank you again for providing such a valuable resource to anyone in need!"

– Melissa, Ultrasound Patient

John Testimonial

John Testimonial

“Since starting therapy at HUG my independence has improved greatly. I can now walk short distances using my orthotic brace and a cane and accomplish my morning routine-including dressing myself. For me, HUG has always stood Hope Unleashed at Gateway.”

 – John, Physical Therapy Patient

Mobile HUG and Events

HUG Mobile

patients have been served by the Mobile HUG Clinic.