
STEP 1: Apply for Graduation
This is the crucial step that determines whether you have fulfilled all of the academic requirements for your degree/program.
*Reminder, this is what enables you to get your diploma.
Please note:
- Clock students do not need to submit graduation applications
- Students completing a Nursing or Healthcare program do not need to meet with their advisors to submit graduation applications. Advisors will submit on the student's behalf. Students will receive an email confirmation from their advisor.

STEP 2: RSVP to Commencement Ceremony
The RSVP link will be sent to your Maricopa Student Email after March 8.
This next step is all about you! Celebrate your accomplishments by walking across the stage.
*Reminder: It is important to note that applying to graduate (Step 1) does not guarantee your attendance at the Commencement Ceremony. To ensure you do not miss out on participating in this special occasion, it is critical to RSVP to the ceremony.
Spring Application Deadline: March 1st

Steps to Graduation
If you are a student seeking a certificate or degree, it is not too late to apply for graduation. It is important to note that all students must apply for graduation to be eligible to receive their certificate or degree. Don't miss this opportunity - apply today!

Commencement Ceremony
RSVP for GateWay's May 2025 Commencement. Information will be sent to students eligible to graduate.
Participation in the Commencement Ceremony requires a graduation application and RSVP.

Order Regalia
Participation in the ceremony requires a cap and gown. If you plan on attending the 2025 Commencement Ceremony, order your regalia here by April 6, 2025.

We invite all of our graduates, their friends and families, and our employees to attend any of the convocation ceremonies as we honor student diversity! What is a convocation? Watch this video and sign up today!